What's new on Needl?

What's new on Needl?

Product update #25 - 10th August 2023

“Add to Needl” Chrome extension

No more going through the trouble of taking screenshots from websites and then manually saving them to your preferred app(s).

“Add to Needl” Chrome extension lets you take screenshots or save whole webpages in reader mode in your Needl.ai account with just one click.

You can then add these web clips to your feeds, share them with your peers, add them to notes, and much more.


Product update #24 - 18th July 2023

Ask Needl

Your AI research analyst is here. Ask any question in natural language, pick a data source, and get instant summarized answers with citations.

Knowledge retrieval from your preferred data sources, especially proprietary data - should be a breeze. Ask Needl saves that time - finds answers from your data so you don't have to.


Product update #23 - 26th June 2023


Now, you can quickly and effortlessly summarize lengthy earning call transcripts into concise and insightful points with just one click. The summary is organized into five sections: Financial Performance, Business Updates, Future Guidance and Outlook, Miscellaneous, and Q&A Insights.

You can also choose to store the summary in any Needl Notebook of your preference. Alongside each summary point, we provide citations that reference the location in the original conference call.


Product update #22 - 16th June 2023

Needl Drive

Introducing Needl Drive- now upload files directly to your Needl.ai account and use them for your feeds, notes, and everything else.

No need to upload files on multiple drives, integrate them to Needl.ai, and have them crawl to your Needl.ai account.


Product update #21 - 25th May 2023

Save search in Needl Web

Create a feed in just one click for any term that you search for on Needl Web. No need to manually pick the sources.

Results from high-priority websites come at the top too, so you consume the most important information first.


Product update #20 - 11th May 2023

Tags and bookmarks for chat apps

Add custom tags to any specific messages from your chat applications like WhatsApp, Telegram, and more, and also bookmark them for future use.

With this, organizing your incoming information becomes much easier, and you can always go back and find exactly what you need.


Product update #19 - 14th April 2023

Mobile App

You can download Needl.ai mobile app on App Store and Play Store. Now experience the power of auto-organized info right in your pocket.

Get all updates in one place in My data, search for information anytime, anywhere, and share easily across multiple apps.

Use your current credentials to log in and get started.


Product update #18 - 28th March 2023

Search Suggestions

Now you can directly choose to search about any topic on Needl Web depending on if the results are available in your “My Data” and “Shared Data” or not.

Needl.ai detects if there are any results about your search term in “My Data” and/or “Shared Data”, if not, you get an option to search instead in Needl Web. This lets you explore new sources.


Product update #17 - 2nd March 2023

Portfolio/Watchlist Filter in Exchanges

Now you can monitor your portfolio companies' curated updates of reports, press releases, conference call transcripts, and more with Portfolio/Watchlist filter. Just upload a CSV file of the companies, or add them manually. Stay up-to-date with real-time insights.


Product update #16 - 20th January 2023

Needl Notes

Effortlessly move between consuming noise-free streaming information, and capturing ideas and insights as they arise as a Needl Note, creating a seamless workflow.

Needl Notes lets you add snippets or content from your apps like WhatsApp, Twitter, Telegram, and more, as notes in one click. You can also create Notebooks and easily share them with your team.


Product update #15 - 31st December 2022

Customizable Deep Search

The customizable search universe feature in Needl.ai allows you to define your search parameters and filters, enabling you to search for specific content in a more targeted and efficient manner.

You can choose to search within Needl Web, My Data, or Shared Data.


Product update #14 - 13th December 2022

Slack Integration

Integrate Slack with Needl to add Slack messages to your information workflow. View Slack messages, use them to curate feeds, and easily search Slack messages and files - all in your Needl workspace.

The integration between Slack and Needl enables seamless access and management of information from Slack, streamlining workflows and boosting productivity.st


Product update #13 - 23rd November 2022

Twitter Bookmarks

All your bookmarked tweets are backed up on Needl, so that you don’t have to worry about losing any interesting nuggets of information.

The bookmark filter for Twitter helps you find the right information at the right time. It allows you to save tweets for later viewing, making it easy to keep track of important or interesting tweets.


Product update #12 - 18th October 2022

Split View

Now you can quickly and efficiently view the information without moving back and forth.


Needl is aware of how difficult it might be to switch between detailed and compact views in order to see the content in detail.

With a denser and cleaner Split View, Needl is making readers’ lives easier. The fundamental goal of this concept is to capture everything on a single page.


Needl values the power of consuming content, which is now much simpler with the split-pane view.

Product update #11 - 12th October 2022

Website Priority

This feature allows you to view your preferred websites content before others and never miss out on important signals.


Needl understands information explosion and how you may be missing out on important updates from highly valued websites.Keeping up with content from too many sources can be overwhelming and time-consuming!


We are excited to announce a new Needl feature that helps you assign priorities to websites you prefer and view content from them right at the top of your feeds. You can still view content from less important sources as you scroll down further.


Needl is happy to help you save timeby bringing your focus to what’s most relevant first!

You can view the detailed video here.

Product update #10 - 20th September 2022

1. Social Graph - Who Not Where:

  • Do you communicate on multiple platforms - email, telegram, and WhatsApp, etc?
  • Do they often send you critical information on multiple platforms?
  • Do you spend a lot of time trying to retrieve that critical information from one of the apps?
  • Of all these contacts, are a small fraction of high importance to you?
  • Our social graph algorithms merge multiple identities into a single identity and assign priorities.
  • This ensures that you never miss information from your high-priority contacts while eliminating noise from the rest.
  • you can filter out 90% of the noise that comes to you from contacts that do not matter and only focus only on the messages and people that are relevant and matter to you.
  • You can watch a detailed video here.

2. Tags Version 2 - Create a feed from tags and share:

  • Are you using our tags feature to tag important content?
  • You can now create feeds from these tags and share them with your colleagues and peers!
  • quick hassle-free way to share important information with colleagues!

3. Today Tab in Each Feed:

  • Are you constantly going to each of your feeds looking for new information?
  • We now have a Today tab in each feed which quickly allows you to get caught up on the day’s news on a feed topic.
  • image

4. Feed Templates:

  • We know you wish to stay on topics relevant for you!
  • Are you confused about how to create topical feeds?
  • We have your back. We have created curated topical templates! Explore our templates and add what matters to you!

Product update #9 - 4th May 2022

1. Announcing content ’Tags’

Now create tags for the content cards in your feed.

All your tagged content is available in the Needl box.

2. Document and Media feed

Now you can create a single feed that contains just your documents (books, reports, and so on) and media (pictures, video, and so on) with different filters such as File type, Author, Company, and Category across all of your applications.

3. Groups

Now you can create Groups with your feeds and share it across with your co-workers and friends.


Product update #8- 22nd March, 2022

The all-new Feed creation experience

We have simplified the entire feed creation journey to make it a simple, intuitive, and seamless experience. Cut through the data noise and get the right insight with our custom feeds!

Besides the new experience, here are the new features for feed creation:

Upload keywords as a csv file

You no longer need to remember and type the list of keywords or company names while creating the feed.

Now upload your preferred list of keywords or companies as a csv! Your custom feed is ready in seconds.


Exclusion filter

Cut down on data overload with the new exclusion filters! Exclude specific keywords, indices, domains, Twitter, and other things!


Feed summary

Get a quick glimpse of your feed configuration with the feed summary. You will see everything that is a part of your feed in a single place, instantly!


Product update #7- 15th February, 2022

Feature enhancement

  1. Feed view
  2. To reduce the information overload and help you get the right data signals, we have categorised the feed based on the source categories and the document types.

  3. Quick filters
  4. We heard you! We have brought some of the most used filters upfront. Now, quickly filter what you are looking for.

  5. Search bar
  6. You can now search not only across Needl but also within each of the feeds using our single search. Smart search in just a single click!


Product update #6- 3rd February, 2022

New Integration 🎉

Microsoft Teams

We heard you!

We are excited to let you know that you can now integrate all your channel data from

Microsoft Teams with Needl.


Get started and change the way you work and collaborate!

Product update #5 - 24th November, 2021

New Features

🗃 Storage dashboard

The all-new storage dashboard helps you analyze and manage your Needl storage efficiently.


🥅 Index filters

Use advanced filters to quickly select an index as a universe to view annual reports, filings, conference calls, etc. from the BSE.


Product update #4 - 21st October, 2021

Feature enhancements

  1. What's new on Needl ⭐️
  2. Now you can read about new features and the product updates by clicking on ‘What's new' under your profile icon

  3. Support icon
  4. Need help? Getting stuck? Click on the '?' icon on the top. There are detail guides with videos and screenshot for every feature, to get you started.

  5. Submit feedback
  6. We are constantly working on creating an amazing experience for our users. We would really appreciate your feedback. You can click on 'submit feedback' under your profile icon.

Bug fixes

  1. Collapsible feed navigation
  2. A collapsible navigation for your feeds.

  3. Save feed for custom rss
  4. Now you can save your search results with your custom rss sources into a feed.

Product update #3 - 10th September, 2021

10th September 2021

Our biggest up date in 2021 🎉

We are excited to announce that Needl private beta is now open for all! Users are free to sign-up for a trial period and explore the app.

New Features

  1. Custom Connect for websites & RSS
  2. Besides being able to select from over 500 websites, blogs and RSS across 40+ categories, you can now connect any website / RSS of your choice. Just search for it and we will connect it!

  3. Save as Feed
  4. Creating a feed has been super-simplified! Now you can save your search results with the filters you have applied as a new custom feed.

  5. Trending
  6. Know what is trending in your ecosystem. We have introduced a personalised Trending feed that curates all relevant things across your Twitter, Telegram, WhatsApp and the blogs that you have integrated.

Feature enhancements

Connect Apps

We have improved our connect apps flow to make integrating different sources super convenient. The list of all featured industries, websites, templates and custom-connect will be visible on the Connect Apps page. You can now link BSE Conference calls, BSE Annual reports, BSE Fillings and BSE Presentations along with 100+ others from the Finance section under Featured Industries.

Product update #2 - 23rd August, 2021

New features

  1. New advanced filters
  2. Continuing your Needl app upgrade, the advanced filters have been completely redesigned from the ground up. Now it's much easier to refine your feed and search results based on dates, sources, and senders.

  3. New PDF viewer with advanced controls
  4. The PDF reader just got a huge upgrade! It changes the way you view, read, present and search within documents.

Feature enhancements and bug fixes

  • The list of RSS sources offered by Needl has been expanded.
  • Resend OTP option for Telegram - you will now be able to request the OTP required for linking your Telegram account.
  • The boolean operators buttons ("And", "Or", "Not") in the main search bar have now been fixed.

Product update #1 - 9th July, 2021

New features

  1. New search, navigation, connect apps, headers
    1. Your Needl app just got a big upgrade! The search, navigation, feed, and integration features have been completely redesigned from the ground up.

      Now it's much easier to work around your way on Needl:

    2. The search is now offered in two parts - a global search bar on the top that searches across all your data on Needl, and a local search bar that can be used to look for specific content within a feed.
    3. Documents, media, and links are offered as quick filters within each feed.
    4. Integration status and app library are accessible right from the top bar, without you having to visit a different page.
    5. Sort option has moved out of the filters panel and is visible at the top of each feed.

Feature enhancements and bug fixes

  • Email notifications for your integrations - you will now receive an email as well as an in-app alert whenever you link or delink an app.
  • Changed filters so that they automatically reset every time you move away from a particular tab or feed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the search bar from getting results from inside pdf documents.
  • Fixed the icons and titles for all RSS feeds offered as integrations.